1. Investing for growth?

In a market where there are so many investment products, including Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), General Investment Accounts (GIAs) and pensions, each with their own benefits, it is important to consider which product is right for you. Our advisers will clearly explain all your options and provide recommendations on where you should be saving your money.

2. Investing for income?

Investing isn’t about trying to outsmart the market for short-term gain. Instead, it should be a long-term structured approach with a highly diversified and balanced portfolio at its heart. We stick to our core investment principles, relying on discipline, diversification and capitalism to maximise your potential for growth at your chosen risk level.

Our Portfolios

We design investment portfolios around your needs, whether you wish to invest to generate a sustainable level of income, growth or a mixture of the two.

We outsource our investment research to the highest quality companies, combining the research power of household names such as Moody’s Analytics and Rayner Spencer Mills Research (RSMR) to provide suggestions on the best asset allocation and fund selection to suit your risk profile.

The markets never stand still, so it is important that we meet at least annually to ‘rebalance’ your portfolio and introduce new funds (or indeed remove existing funds) to reflect the changes in the market, meaning that your portfolio will always be up to date with the latest and best research.

Talk to an adviser

The Future is Green

For those investors who are socially or environmentally conscious, we offer a range of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) portfolios. ESG investing uses metrics to rate companies based on their record regarding the environment, social causes and the governance of their firm. Our research combines these factors with the financial performance of each company to generate a portfolio of sustainable funds that you can be confident are changing the world for greater good.

The value of your investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invested